Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's with all the hearts around?

Cupid, again take his yearly task of wandering around the world every 14th of February for Valentine season, hitting the stores, classrooms, offices, and houses with his magical arrow. It has been a fashion throughout many countries in the world to exchange love notes, valentine presents, flowers, chocolates and the like. For couples and lovers, this is the traditional day, in which they express their love to one another, means of celebrating like going for a dinner date, or spending the whole day together or to some romantic places are being set.
Valentine's day is not only for adult, as we can see, little children also take part to this special occasion. Thanks to our gradeschool teachers for encouraging our kids to design special, colorful cards for their 'special someone'. These are one of the days that parents remember and cherish, they are yet the one and only apple to their children's eyes at the moment. Written in a folded bond paper, inside a large disfigured shape of heart are words like, 'i lov you mama, papa', ' happy valentin',. A lots of love and kisses, in a piece of colorful paper, sometimes with designs of beads or ribbons are being kept at some special corner of every houses every month of February.
Traditional symbols of Valentine's Day including hearts, dove, Cupid and love notes usually dominate the shopping windows, someone else's table and stores come every 2nd month of the year. This is all same with lanterns and Christmas lights adorning the surrounding every Christmas season.
The spirit of romantic sweetness fills the air and roses and red colors flood the places. ..whoa, so nice to be in love. But we must not forget, that Valentine's day is not only for the love partners and couples...this is for everyone's chance to feel the love that Cupid send to each others'heart...