Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friends for lyf and death...

I’ve long heard about this local comedy movie shown last year but can’t find the time to rent or buy a dvd. A little bit interested because my friends who have watched it complimented the movie for its effortless comedy appeal. I’m speaking about the movie “Apat Dapat, Dapat Apat” starred by Ruffa Mae Quinto (who is also one of the executive producers of the said movie), Pokwang, Candy Pangilinan and my new favorite actress today, Eugene Domingo (she has just won the Best Supporting Actress last MMFF award for her excellent performance in the movie “Bahay Kubo”).

“Apat Dapat, Dapat Apat” is a story of four women who swore to be friends forever, they become domestic helpers out of their personal needs and reason to fish their luck to other country. However, one of them (Candy Pangilinan), was beaten to death by her employer, making the other three worry because her family gave her condition that she must come home safe, sounds and alive. The three other friends find all means to make her still look alive in front of her family despite the painful truth that she’s dead.

I spend the weekend over some good movie like this one, my mom brought home DVD and on Saturday morning as the other family members left the house to go somewhere, I stayed in our living room and put the television on. (I’m the storekeeper for that day so I need the movie paused every now and then because someone would have to buy goods, candies or Jolly Ice Candy from our sari-sari store).

The movie directed by Wenn V. Deramas was good, not only because of the unstoppable comedy scenes but moreover with the way that such good, full of sense story was collaborated and executed in a great comical attack. It reflected the real pictures that happened in true life but the illustration was made in heavy comedy, light drama approach.


I was sincerely moved by the power of friendship of the four leading characters. This is something that I’m 100% sure, everybody can relate (unless you really don’t have friends). Brite, Res, Dolly and …(I forgot the name of the other one), anyway the four swear to be friends, they always find time to meet one another and have great time over some good movies or shopping. In spite of each schedules, obligation and other activities, their date must be always included in the list. And the friendship still lives and goes strong even at times of great trouble and failure…you will surely be reminded of your own friends who never leave your side through good and bad times.


A part of the movie told us about the fate, of which other OFW encountered as they sacrifice a lot over the other country. It might appeared humorous to see the four comedienne played the role of domestic helpers, with their employers giving orders here and there, making the whole scenes as funny as it is intended to make the audience laugh. But in reality, we know that such can never be a funny experience for the real Overseas Filipino Domestic Helpers who face the real employer, who take the real orders, who receive the real bruises, and who encounter the real death. As I laughed with the story and acting of the remarkable comedienne of our movie industry today, I also came up with the realization that aside from the intention of the movie itself to bring laughter to the audiences it also intended in one way or another to showcase the real happenings that fall upon our co-Filipinos working abroad.

Comedienne expresses the best drama…

Being a comedienne is one of the challenging roles ever. It’s easier to portray a drama scene than to do a certain role that highly requires immediate response from viewers. You have to meet high expectations of making them laugh from time to time. And in the part of the movie’s leading casts, it never becomes a hard job to collect loud and joyous amusement from the people. The four actresses have created remarkable names in the industry as they successfully created their unique style and approach in doing comedy roles.

More often, good and effective comedienne also make it effective to do drama. After they make you laugh all the way, they would finally shift the scene to some good heartbreaking drama, and there you are shifting also your mood, now sympathizing with them as if you are a part of the story. Of course, if they were able to make you laugh so hard, they would be able to make you cry also… and these are true only to actors and actresses with high quality of good acting (which getting rare nowadays…)

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