Monday, September 22, 2008

I love...

Production …so blessed to be in a production field of work. The idea of working in the area, which u truly prefer made me feel that I’m not really working at all…but I’m living every seconds of it…I love every bit of it…

Theater… it has taught me a lot, owing to it what I have become now. It gave me a lot of opportunities, making me realized that I can do things beyond of what just I’m thinking I can… I became addicted to arts, awed by its great impact on me, it sink deep to my soul which made me see arts as an important element of life... it has been a part of every one of us all along…

Dancing…it knocks the sleeping soul within me, whenever I’m doing the moves, it’s not really my physical body, which dances the steps but my bare soul executes the whole choreography… in dance I came to meet the wonder of life, because whenever I’m dancing it’s the time that I feel that I’m communicating in my best way…whenever I’m dancing and I see the audiences in front of me, it’s not just the ordinary people that I see but I also seeing their soul, figuring deeply the meaning of the dance that they are witnessing…

Books…in the midst of the hurly-burly of the works, schedules and performances, nothing best that relax my self but to take time to rest for while, sit in a quite room with a mug of coffee (kulang sa’kin ung cup eh!) helping myself to some good novels! Whoa, this is life!!

Writing…it gives me the real freedom… it gives me no limitation… it made me explore. My first love before anything else… I break-up with it several years ago, but it keeps coming back haunting my mind and soul…as for now, I’m still trying to make our relationship work and things are going fine so far…

I have encountered few people asking if I am an activist… well, my answer is consistent… “Yes, I am. I don’t deny that I’m a cultural activist,”… Some would answer back, “So, what’s the difference? You’re still an activist in any manner…” I do believe that we’re all activist in our own way, it just depend on how we see and use the term.

I love hanging out with friends, though I really have very little time now to do it… but I find time to meet them and have bond with them.. such things should never be forgotten on the list…people in your past, present and future contributed to what you are so…I value them with great love…

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